Well, well, well. There is no effing way I am squeezing the bajillion oranges I need to make 2 litres of OJ. I managed about 200ml, it was delish, but unh-uh, nope. So, I drank much Innocent smoothie and had some tomato basil soup. And, lots of herbal tea (licorice, YUM!) and a mug of vegan stock because I needed something not sweet.
I made it through my english and maths classes without passing out, so I'll take that as a success. I mostly wanted to pass out because I did something to my back and didn't sleep well last night. Then I managed to make my back worse by....leaning over to pick a sock up off the floor. That's not so bad when you consider the first bit of damage was done shaking a shoe off my foot. Yeah.
I had my meetings today with the kids' teachers. Both kids are great. Mrs McClenaghan told me about the day Iain stood for election to the student council- he won by a very large majority! WOOT! I also found out that Eilis reads at an almost 10 year old level. Zowie.
Okay, so tomorrow the true cleansey bit of the cleanse starts. Special lemonade all day. Here's to me getting through it with out waging a full-force attack on Mickey D's.
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